Effective tools of the parasites in the human body

To know what are the effective means of parasites, you should each one, as their holders is the 95% of the population of the Earth. There are over 2 000 species of pests that can live in the human body. Translate not only in the digestive system, and in any organ: the lung, the liver, the brain, the of blood. Its dimensions, from microscopic to several meters, but all of them make a huge damage to the health. Sometimes to get rid of the worms is due to a surgical intervention, 80% of chronic illness is due to the activity of the parasites in the body. Cause bronchial asthma, allergies, psoriasis, inflammation of the joints and other illnesses that people try unsuccessfully for years. And just get rid of the pathogens.


Media parasites

There are a lot of remedies, which are designed for the safe use of the fight against the parasites. Their action is directed directly to the excretion of worms, as well as the rehabilitation of function of the body affected by their evil influence. Many plants have powerful properties against parasites. These include garlic, nuts, onions, pomegranates, pumpkin seeds, st. john's wort, wormwood, ginger, tansy, thyme, clove. They are harmful to the adult worms and of larvae. In the treatment of worms well helps ginger

Recipes effective remedies to remove the parasite:

  1. The garlic with the finger – 10 peeled garlic cloves should be swallowed without chewing and with plenty of speed. The procedure for that, once on an empty stomach. After a week you can repeat.
  2. Onion infusion – clean and chop a small onion, then pour in 1 cup of boiled water. To insist night, and by the jable on an empty stomach to take the cooking.
  3. Wormwood tea – 1-2 teaspoons of leaves of wormwood, it is necessary to insist over the hour in 1 cup of boiling water. Obtained from the cooking of take on an empty stomach in the morning and in the night by the half-glass. The course of treatment – from 2 to 3 days.
  4. Sbiten – cleanses the body of parasites, toxins and strengthens the immune system. To prepare you need 1 cup of honey to dissolve in 1 liter of water, then boil for 20 minutes. Add the cardamom, the ginger, the cinnamon, the bay leaf, 1 spoon of tea, and then cook for 5 minutes. Broth strain and drink hot before going to bed. The course of treatment – from 7 to 12 days.

The tincture of shell of the nuts – crushed shell 15 of nuts, fill with 0.5 litres of alcohol. The infusion is performed in a period of 30 days in the light. Outline of the technique is the following:

  • Day 1 drink 1 to drop, one part is diluted in 100 ml of water;
  • Day 2 – 2 drops in 100 ml of water;
  • Day 3 – 3 drops in 100 ml of water;
  • Day 4 – 4 drops in 100 ml of water;
  • Day 5 – 5 drops in 100 ml of water;
  • Day 6 – 2 teaspoons in 200 ml of water;
  • 7 to 11 day – 2 teaspoons of 50 ml of water twice a day.

To complete the course, it is necessary that on a daily basis throughout the year to employ 2 teaspoons of tincture, diluted in 50 ml of water. Drink the tool on an empty stomach and nothing with. Dust of wormwood – the drying of the fruits or mature leaves of the wormwood are crushed in dust. Taken 1 time a day before you eat at this number:

  • 1 day – 1 pinch;
  • Day 2 – 1/4 of a teaspoon;
  • Day 3 – 1/3 teaspoon;
  • Day 4 – 1/2 a teaspoon.

Dust of wormwood is having a devastating effect on worms

The method of application of

The dose is gradually increased until 14 days after the receipt of up to 1/2 scoop of powder. You need to 6 days drink 1/2 tablespoon of powder every day, and after consuming the same amount of dust of 1 time a week. The tool must ingest a sufficient amount of water.

The seeds of cloves, crushed to the consistency of powder. Taken three times a day before eating in this number:

  • 1 day – for 1 / 5th of a teaspoon;
  • Day 2 – 1/4 teaspoon;
  • 3-10 day 1/3 of a teaspoon.
  • 10 days – 1 teaspoon of times a week.

All of the components of the triad, it is desirable to employ at the same time. So to achieve the maximum result. The natural remedies against parasites are accepted without a prescription, but it is necessary to comply with the dose, the duration of the treatment. The seeds of clove-it can make dust


Classification of the parasites

Depending on the location of the parasitic and biological characteristics abdominal worms are divided into different types.

The species of parasites:

Round worms (nematodes) – distinguish the rounded shape of the body in the court. The most common type of parasites that live and the stages of development of the will, are carried out only on the human body. Between the 24 000 species of these parasites are found here most often the following:

Nematodes: the most common type of parasites

  • Ascaride – reach a length of 45 see Live in the small intestine and feed on the remains of food. They poison the body, producing toxins in the blood. Live up to 14 months. The route of infection – without washing their hands, products.
  • Ostritsy – in the length does not exceed the 1 see Living in the large and the small intestine. For them it is very easy to spread by contact with the environment, through articles for the home. Live 1-2 months. When the compliance of the hygiene of the parasites of this species is easy to remove.
  • Vlasoglav – worms of the length of 3-4 cm, to dig in the mucosa cecum, and colon. They suck the blood. In the process of life, they release a lot of toxins. Live up to 5 years. The route of infection through unwashed hands, the products.
  • Trichina – in length reaches only 3-4 mm These parasites can have on any body. They penetrate the striated muscles of the respiratory tract, the eyes, the heart. Lived there for several years. People can become infected through raw pork.

The first 3 types of parasites are effectively treated medications. Just parisian to drink the medicines. Trihinellez it is stages: drugs are destroyed, only the adult worms; the larvae, which are located in the muscles, it is not possible to kill. Tapeworms (cestodes) – have the body of a flat shape, divided into segments. Have the suction cup, through which they attach to the intestinal mucosa. Can reach 18 m in length. A stage of life must be passed in the body of an intermediate host. The most common types of worms in this group:

Tape worm is often found and is one of the longest of parasites

  • Bullish tsepen – in the length that reaches up to 10 m. Lives in the intestine, is fixed in one of the walls. People can become infected through the not processed for beef.
  • Swine tsepen – reaches 2 m in length. People can become infected through raw pork.
  • Dwarfish tsepen – reaches in length of 3-5 cm and is transmitted to the violence in the home, through unwashed hands.
  • The choice of lentets – it reaches from 6 to 15 m in length. People can become infected through the flesh of freshwater fish, by eating their raw.
  • Echinococcus is a dangerous parasite, which can be cats and dogs. Falling in the human body, the larvae develop quickly, spread the blood stream to various organs and form the echinococcosis cysts, which can be removed only through surgery.

Trematody – its flat and broad body can reach a length of 1.5 m. the Route of the infection – through a flesh of fish, seafood. Has can, in any part of the body: the middle of the ear, the eye up to the exit of the ducts of the glands. Feed on the cells of the intestine, the contents of the intestine, mucus, blood-sucking. The main types of :

Trematody can be established in any part of the body

  • fasciolosis– grows up to 3-7 cm, and parasitic in the gallbladder. People can become infected by eating water plants, not the water boiled.
  • Anthrax Fluke – it reaches from 4 to 13 cm in length and is located in the bile bubble and ditches.

Depending on the location of the parasitic organisms are divided into:

  • intestinal, develop and live exclusively in the intestine;
  • extraintestinal – through of the blood vessels are distributed in the different organs of the eyes and the brain to the liver.

Types of parasites, regardless of the peculiarities of the development of:

  • Bio helminth – for the development of the parasites of this group it is necessary to change the intermediate owners. With them you can become infected from the animals.
  • Geo-helminths – it is necessary to pass from the stage of maturation in the soil, otherwise it can infect humans.
  • Contagious species of all the cycle of development can happen in the human body.

Intestinal worms can live only in the gut

The most common types of worms – ascaride, ostritsy, lentets the election, Trichinella, dwarfish tsepen, swine tsepen.

The symptoms of parasites in the body:

  • The grinding of the teeth during sleep.
  • Problems with the intestinal tract of the castle square – diarrhea, constipation, flatulence.
  • Pain in the muscles, joints.
  • The increase of the temperature.
  • Skin disease eczema, rash, acne.
  • The allergic reactions.
  • Anemia.
  • Weight issues – obesity, or acute weight loss.
  • The sleep disorders.
  • Nervous disorders.
  • The chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • The airway disease – asthma, cough.
  • Immune of the infringement.
  • The swelling of the body, of the person.

The signs that indicate the presence of parasites, and is manifested after infection after 2-4 weeks. The sudden change in weight (in either direction), we may speak of the appearance of the worms

Stages of treatment: how to get rid of the parasites

To clean the body of worms, it is necessary to carry out treatment in several stages:

  1. Preparatory to prepare the body for the removal of parasites, you need 2 to 3 days of consuming vegetable oils, for example flaxseed or pumpkin. They are round with a 1-2 teaspoon 15 minutes before each meal. As an alternative to oils you can consume medicines. This helps to eliminate the toxins and the substances resulting from the vital activity of the worms.
  2. Recovery – get the media to help restore the functioning of the body, the victim of the worms.

In the treatment of parasites, one must respect the dosage and the mode of reception of tablets

The prevention of the

To minimize the risk of infection by parasites, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

the wormwood
  • To comply strictly with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Minimize close contact with the animals.
  • Every 34 months of giving the pet tool of parasites.
  • Not come in contact with stray animals.
  • Regularly wet cleaning.
  • Wash well the fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat fish, meat, complete the heat treatment.
  • Do not drink untreated tap water.
  • 1 time every six months, to all members of the family use the means of the treatment of the parasites.

When the symptoms of the infection by parasites, it is worthwhile to undergo a diagnosis. On the basis of their results, the doctor can choose the best remedy against the parasites, that will allow you to grow to get rid of them. It is a serious disease, so it is best to go to the doctors consultation. The comprehensive treatment that must be passed by all members of the family.