Media parasites in the human body

The parasites poison the body, affecting health. They can't defend themselves in a 100%. Checking and cleaning required of the measure. To get rid of parasites, it is not necessary to buy in the pharmacy synthetic antiparasitic drugs. There are more secure and work in the media. Here are tested recipes that are worth paying attention to.

Infestations do not always come in a brilliant manner, and accompanied by various symptoms. The man can in several years not to speculate about the presence in your body of parasites. When this is felt problem: the bad mood, sleep disorders, problems with hair, nails. Adopted by complexes of vitamins or Badi often do not have a positive effect.

tools of parasites

That are harmful parasites:

  • worsening of the allergy and of diseases of the skin;
  • affect the gastrointestinal tract;
  • they poison the body of toxins;
  • inhibit the absorption of useful substances;
  • weaken the immunity.

That influence the functioning of all organs and systems in humans. The faster you start the treatment of intestinal parasites (and of any other type), the less will be the damage that will bring.

You can't always identify the intruders, so it is recommended to make a diagnosis. Laboratory tests can help detect the problem, as well as to determine the type of parasites.

Popular recipes of parasites

If the analysis of the elisa test detected in the blood of the parasites, or are found in the feces, it is not necessary for the treatment using synthetic drugs. There are a lot of popular recipes, that give good results. The majority of them on the basis of the available products. It is important that they are of high quality. Is not valid for the preparation of formulations using plastic containers or oxidizing of metals. It is prudent to give preference to glass, glazed deposits.

Decoctions, infusions, alcohol-free have a limited life span, therefore, are prepared in a single day.

Pumpkin seeds

Smooth tool of parasites, which are often used in the home. In the seeds of pumpkin contains a substance that paralyzes the deworming. Without the possibility to move and to cling to the intestinal walls of parasites die, they come out naturally. For the man is a harmless substance, the seeds can be consumed in any quantity. But it is much more effective for this product works with the milk.


  • 120 g of seeds;
  • 150 ml of milk.


Whisk the seeds with the milk from the blender. Use the morning on an empty stomach in place of breakfast. Time nothing to drink. After 3 hours of pure enema.

The garlic

Garlic – the most popular of the vegetable parasites, in the second place, there is an arc. This tool is contraindicated in people with diseases of the stomach.

Against what parasites are effective for garlic:

  • ascaride
  • filarial worm;
  • giardia;
  • ostritsy.

Heat a glass of milk, add 12 drops of juice of garlic, take it in the morning. Take a week, after 10 days course repeat. Intestinal parasites often use an enema with the garlic water. In 0.5 liters is necessary to take 5-7 slices of garlic, to distribute, to insist night and strain.

Chanterelle mushrooms

Natural unique tool that will help in the fight against the parasites. Chanterelle mushrooms are effective against tapeworms of different types and other helminths. This is the most popular and safe way of cleaning the body of parasites remedies. For the preparation of dyes of the frequency of use of the fresh mushrooms. You can replace the light of the moon quality of vodka.

By the way, these fungi are never with worms, which is a kind of proof of the effectiveness.


  • vodka;
  • chanterelle mushrooms.


Chop the mushrooms, you can shred with a knife. Fill up to the half of the tin of 0.5 litres, is filled to the top add vodka (moonshine), to agitate, to endure 10 to 14 days, strain. Eat a spoon of tea in the morning and at night with an empty stomach. Or drink 2 teaspoons of tincture of the night.

the bark of poplar

The bark of poplar

Connect the 50 g of bark and 500 ml of water, boil 5 minutes, stand for 3 hours, you can leave it overnight. Drink a shot of 5 times a day separately meals. Course of treatment of 3 weeks.


It is a popular tool in the fight against parasites adults of 60 years of age and older. Ginger in addition to correct helminths improves the flow of bile, detoxifies the liver, relieves pain and spasms, scoop out the dross.

How to use: make any tea with 1 teaspoon of grated ginger. Drink a cup a day for three weeks.

The iodine

The iodine, as sodium bicarbonate, helps to get rid of different parasites, in front of him does not arise, fungi, ribbons, and nematodes. For the preparation of media mix 2 teaspoons of starch, the sugar, and add 100 ml of water, 1 pinch of citric acid. Bring to a boil, remove from the heat, introduce 150 ml of water and 2 teaspoons a pharmacist iodine.

Accept people as adults by the glass of such kissel 3 times a day. Children 10 years take 0,3 cup of tools. In over 10 years 0,5 glass.

The birch tar

For the treatment is used exclusively kiosks pharmacists coal. Tools of own production, may not apply.

There are different schemes, here's one of the options. Every morning drink one tablespoon of apple juice with 1 drop of tar next week, add drop by drop each day, gradually bringing to 7 drops. In the same proportion to take a month, then a pause in 3 months.

The grenades

For the treatment using the decoction of the scabs. Remove the skin with a grenade, pour in 250 of boiling water, cook for five minutes and an hour to insist. Strain, peel difficult to overcome. Take in 3-4 doses, for 1.5 hours. Next 4 hours nothing to drink, not to eat.

Flax seeds

Mix 10 parts of flax (seeds), and 1 part of cloves, grind. Take the powder in any convenient way from 20 g a day for a month. You can add to dishes, drinks or take separately, washed down with the water.


You can simply add spices in the food, but it is best to use the special composition of the turmeric, the garlic, the ginger. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts, are held overnight at room temperature in closed containers. Take 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening, 7 days in a row.

Black walnut

Often used for the treatment of the tincture of black walnut. Take 2 teaspoons before breakfast and dinner within two weeks.

The vegetable oils of the parasites

Vegetable oils are the simplest of the parasites, since they do not require prior preparation. The maximum that you need to do is to mix with the other ingredients of the recipe.

For cleaning only use even oil. Well, if you go in the direct of the spin. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the expiry time on fresh products more substances of value.

Castor oil (with cognac)

Mix 50 ml of brandy and 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil. Take a drink on the night of 3 to 4 hours after a light dinner. It is desirable to carry out the cleaning on the day of rest, as well as the tool have expressed a laxative action.

Black cumin oil

Take 10 ml three times a day before meals. After 2 weeks of repeat. To enhance the taste you can mix it with yogurt, juice or other beverage with low sugar content.

Pumpkin oil

The method of cleaning and treatment of enemas. It is suitable for children and adults, helps to cope with the parasites. It is necessary to do a swab of cotton wool, impregnated with oil, close on the night of the anal opening. Repeat for 40 days.

Flaxseed oil

Take 1 teaspoon of oil 3-4 times a day before meals (20-30 minutes). The best effect can be achieved, if you take the cooking of the wort.

The benefits of essential oils oils

Are added to the parasitic cleansing enemas of oil. Normally they are used with esters of lemon or eucalyptus. In a base of oil (sunflower, flax, pumpkin) add 3-4 drops.

The coconut oil

Take 1 teaspoon unrefined coconut oil 3 times a day before meals, gradually increasing the portion of up to 1 tbsp Next of take at 7 days, in such amount, you can take hot herbal tea or water.

the grass of the parasites

The grass

To combat parasites more often take the bitter herbs. Here the most popular recipes, that have shown their best side. All of the herbs it is desirable to acquire in the pharmacy. If purchased by itself, the collection of carry out away from the roads and residential locality in the regions pure.

The triad

Scorching tool, against which do not arise even flat worms. You can buy in the pharmacy, is a drug, but it is better to cook. The same will come out much cheaper by the cost. Here one of the recipes, there are variations with different additives (nuts, seeds, other herbs).


  • 4 tablespoons of tansy;
  • 1 tablespoon of wormwood;
  • 1 tablespoon of cloves.


Mix the ingredients shredded. On the first day of eat 1 teaspoon before breakfast with water. On the second day, to consume preferably before breakfast and before lunch. On the third day in the morning, at noon and in the evening.

The wormwood

You can do an enema of infusion of wormwood, but more often take the grass on the inside. To do this, grind the dry grass, taking in the morning and at night 1 spoon exactly a week, wash with running water. After a month of repeat.

Tansy ragwort

Take up to 30 days for the morning and evening 1 teaspoon crushed, the tansy ragwort. Take 1 tablespoon of lukewarm water. The foods you can take over half an hour. If it is necessary, after a month of cleaning repeat, but enough for a course of two weeks.


Mix 1 part dried chamomile and 10 parts of vodka, insist 2 weeks, drain. Take 30 drops before eating 4 times a day during the first three weeks.

How to get rid of parasites by 3 days

If you want to visualize the parasite in an adult, then this system works. It is about people who may be at home, taken before meals of an infusion.

As clean the body:

  1. 5-7 days prior to cleaning to normalize the power. Remove the products of wheat flour, the potatoes, the sugar, the starch.
  2. Mix 100 g of dry herbs: tansy, wormwood, krushina. The brewing of beer 1 tablespoons of the mixture 2 cups of boiling water, take 100 g for 30 minutes before each meal exactly 3 days.
  3. Perform daily pure oil or soda enema.

Post of the week is recommended to carefully monitor the chair, to avoid the constipation. If necessary, take mild laxatives.

The prevention of infection by parasites

Parasites can enter the body with water, food, through dirty hands, unwashed vegetables. Therefore, important in the prevention of maintain the purity. It is important to wash well the vegetables, you can rinse hot water. After the street you should always wash your hands. If this is not possible, then to process special anti-bacterial gel or wipes.

The second important time limit the consumption of raw fish, meat. The products that need to cook, bake, broil. If you will prepare some national dishes from Korean, chinese, this, often, meat and fish try of vinegar.

Be careful, it is worth referring to the food on the street. The danger is not only fast food, but to the napkin and the Sellers of the hands take the money, prepare the food, they give to the customers.

The output of

Dealing with parasites is not as difficult as it may seem. There is an incredible amount of simple and available means. It is important to follow the recipe and do not try to accelerate the process of increasing the dose. Any medication will be poison, if it's irresponsible approach to therapy.