The parasites in the body: the symptoms of the infection and release forms

Parasites in the human body is a common phenomenon. As the infection occurs, what are the parasites they are and what are the diseases that can occur. Why the treatment should be started immediately and how to get rid of the parasites without drugs, read our article.

Parasitic diseases in the world with more than 4.5 million people, in 9 of 10 cases of this disease in worms, according to data from the world health organization (who). In europe, parasites (including worms) surprised by one of every three people! The fundamental objective of any parasite — imperceptible to live in the human body, its vital organs: intestines, liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, brain, etc

Parasites in the human body

Sad facts of worms and other parasites

This leads to various diseases:

  • Toxoplasma cause many deformities, congenital diseases in children, mental retardation.
  • Giardia affect the liver and cause the mass of liver diseases.
  • Ascaride cause lung, gallstones, and diarrheal diseases.
  • Ostritsy — the abundance of the intestinal diseases.
  • Fascioliasis can cause allergies, dyskinesia biliary tract, chronic hepatitis b infection.
  • Fasciolopsis is involved in the formation and development of a variety of cancers.
  • The chlamydia cause infertility, digestive disorders, various conditions of the pancreas (including diabetes), the liver, and lead to heart attacks. Chlamydia is dangerous the fact that it is not always clearly expressed by the inflammation. Explicit of the disease can not be, and of chlamydiae in the blood much. Often, chlamydia, flows almost without symptoms. And in the 40-50 years — heart attack! This is because chlamydia too are tenacious, and in addition, they are able to "hide" in white blood little bodies. That is why the body same with chlamydia almost did not fight, he simply does not realize.
  • Chronic diseases, including cancer, the disease in 80% of cases are caused by the influence of the parasites (worms, fungi, protozoa).
  • Biological, the number one enemy to the person named Trichomonas.

Forming colonies in the walls of the blood vessels, trichomoniasis lead to the development of atherosclerosis with all its consequences. In 1989, open the property Trichomonas normal cells into malignant tumors. Trichomonas can cause diseases of the urinary system, the gut, the mouth, the blood, the blood vessels. Of the disease: diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, stroke, myocardial infarction, cancer.

  • The nervousness of the infection of worms, parasites.

The metabolic products and toxic substances secreted parasites (worms), can irritate the central nervous system. Anxiety and nervousness are often the result of infection with the parasite.

  • Sleep disorders during the infection of worms, parasites.

If you often wake up in the middle of the night, especially between 2-3 hours, it is possible that your body, therefore, is trying to get rid of toxins through the liver. In accordance with the principles of chinese medicine, is in these times the liver is active, and as due to the presence of parasites has a lot of work, it interferes with his peaceful sleep. The dream may also be affected by the fact that at night some parasites come out through the anus, causing itching and a strong sense of pain.

  • Chronic fatigue with infection of worms, parasites.

Weakness, apathy, depression, decrease of attention concentration and memory may also be associated with the presence of parasites (worms), since the livelihoods of these attackers leads to the lack of nutrients in the body. Not a lack of vitamins and micronutrients, which inevitably has an impact on the well-being and mood.

  • A large number of patients with worms suffer from:

anemia, asthma, arthritis, allergosis, autoimmune disease, zhelchekamennoy the disease, dyskinesia, hepatocholecystitis, pancreatitis, dysbiosis, dysentery, night, incontinence of urine, Crohn's disease, immune dysfunction, inflammation of the bowel, rheumatism, and various inflammations of the mouth and of the gums, colitis ulcerative.

  • The signs of infection of worms, parasites.

A chair with an unpleasant smell. The frequent occurrence of liquid or watery of the chair or periodic constipation. Duplicate cramping in the abdominal area, as well as rumbling and bubbling in the stomach area, which is not related with the sensation of hunger. Pain in the chest or a burning stomach, which had not been done before. The inflammation and breast augmentation, not related to the menstrual cycle.

Flu-like symptoms, such as cough, cold and fever. Food allergies in many types of products. Itching around the anus, especially at night. Strange headaches. Different diseases of the skin problems from the trivial of acne before psoriasis. The loss of hair. The presence in the body of parasites can also indicate the drastic thinning, or, on the contrary, the strong and unexplained weight gain.

After that in the body have been identified worms, the treatment should be started immediately. And here's how — you choose.

  • This recipe for the destruction of the parasites — radical, but not for the faint of heart. You can lose the knowledge fall of the music. For everything that it comes out just so the tip of the iceberg. But notice of them is necessary to get rid! They will not live in peace.

Buy a small bottle of brandy and castor oil in the pharmacy. In the evening, after 18: 00 nothing, than not to eat or drink. The night at 2.00 take 50 ml of brandy. After 30 min take 50 ml of castor oil. Your worms don't come out with the stool toward the outside, since they are linked very strongly to the walls of the intestine and maintain all types of hooks and suction cups (which, by the way, and abdominal pain). The brandy it weakens their vigilance, are getting drunk, if you want. And is that when they do not control and are not have more, you castor oil of your grounds, in and out.

  • The other way around. He, probably, will require more time, but easier to apply. It is a mixture of the three herbs "The triad", it has an effect on the entire digestive tract, stimulates the functioning of the liver. That is to say, if you do not have worms, and you drink this prevention blend — only use. A great advantage of this mixture on the that kills the adult parasites, the parasites in any of the stages of development and even of the larvae and the eggs, that is not the strength of the pills.

Method of preparation: herb wormwood, flowers, tansy, and clove (spice) take in equal proportions, grind in a coffee grinder as you can reduce into a powder and take 3 times a day of 0.5 teaspoons In a period of 10 days. I wouldn't support or a parasite. Only mixture very bitter. Tansy and wormwood in the pharmacies sold, and clove — in any grocery store, where the spices and seasonings.

It is useful to take the collection of "the triad" 2 times a year for 10 days. "The triad" for all the thing.

Here's how it works: the bitterness of these three components, and their other properties, simply kill any of the worms. Its protective cover on the surface (that are not digested by our digestive enzymes) loses its properties, and the parasites are simply digested. So that nobody sees them, the way that came out, and what they were, and how much. This is for nerve.

If you know exactly what you are infected, drink it the rate of the triad" 10 days, take a break of 10 days, and after 10 days drink — to fix the result.

Do not forget in the midst of the fight against the parasites with the tools to wash at home as much as possible. Boil all the bedding and wearable clothing, wash with your country all the pens, furniture, floors, switches (and played very often), and what better to wash everything that can be. This is necessary to destroy the eggs of the worms and prevent re-infestation. The rate of The triad" you can buy in the pharmacy.

  • There is still a good way. At night, put on the fire a glass of milk, bring to a boil, but not boil. As boil leave in for him, 2 heads, peeled and large diced garlic. Immediately remove from the heat, cover with the lid firmly sabotado coat (for a longer time to heat store in a thermos). Get up in the morning and drink it on an empty stomach. Worms start coming out after 30 min to an hour. After 2 hours you can eat. Do it 3 times in a row. It is very good, the prevention and the treatment.
  • The hydrogen peroxide efficiently, it helps to fight against worms, especially with those who are established in the intestine. Especially well helps the combination recommended above means with the treatment with peroxide (10 drops 3% hydrogen peroxide in a half glass of water 3 times a day).

Try to avoid contact with the parasites inside your body. And here, also, you can come to the aid of hydrogen peroxide. It is recommended to wash the peroxide of fish, to avoid the detrimental impact of the microflora. The same applies to vegetables and fruits.

After working with the earth clean your hands from the hydrogen peroxide, to destroy the eggs of helminths. Special caution should be a book of cooking processing of meat products, as it is in the meat, especially pork, contains a huge amount of parasites. After the preparation of the meat does not simply wash knives, cooking utensils, cutting board with soap and water, but and clean their hydrogen peroxide.

Very useful when you restore acid-alkaline balance of the body to perform the "cleaning" of the organism. The purification procedure must begin with intestinal cleansing with the help of enemas.